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The DoublePlusGood Quilt is featured on Modern Day Quilts today.  Pop on over to see not only a new photo of this quilt but an interview that covers a wide variety of topics, including some provocation about the meaning of modern.

I had a good time up north.  Fresh air and fly fishing!

I like fly fishing mostly because I like putting on waders and strolling down the river.  The Au Sable River is about 6″ higher than normal, which meant there were a few times when the a lot of me was underwater and the current was doing its darndest to tip me over.  But, I managed to stay on my feet, stay dry, and even catch a fish.

Since returning, i have been plugging away on Miss Stinky’s Quilt…so close to being done piecing!

Each block needs another round.  And I’m thinking I need to unbalance it in the final layout.  We shall see…

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Oh my goodness! I used to live on the Au Sable and never in a million years did I think I'd see a picture of it on a blog that I read! There are times that I really miss living up north (perfect summer days, beautiful fall color), and other times I'm really glad I don't (endless winter darkness and mud season)! Thank you for the photo!

  2. That quilt top is awesome. Thank you for the black and white picture idea!! I cannot wait to see this finished, dont' rush though 🙂

  3. I'm IN LOVE with your blog and your style. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Thanks for sharing your ideas and projects! Found you through the Modern Day Quilt interview which was so great. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was an art major in college and took things on a very Modern turn by the end of my college career, now trying to apply that knowledge to my very traditional quilting skills!

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